God IS the answer

Hey All, I hope you all find this blog in good health and spirits. 

I have just read the most silly post and I have to talk about it. A young lady, the founder of  "For Black Girls", has supposedly committed suicide at 22 yrs. old. I am not sure as to how accurate this is, however, I still wanted to talk about what this article said. I believe that now there is a misconception that people NEED anti- depressants, because of " mental illnesses".

 This young lady supposedly suffered from a mental illness, and depression. The person in the article went on to discuss how thy received Zoloft and now they are so changed, and how blacks shy from anti- depressants... blah.. blah... 

 I think it is silly for those people who do not believe in (Jesus), yes they may have a harder time with certain things, so somethings that they may suffer from will never change. There fore, they may actually act "crazy", and have to take anti- depressants but as for a believer, should we be taking anti- depressant that will eventually make us more depressed? Or  that have severe side effects?  I would NEVER take any kinds of those medications. I don't care what state I am in. I believe in leaning on God in every way and He can fix any "issue" that I have. Anti- depressants leave you co- dependent and will not help you deal with the issue completely.

The reality is that some people do not have a regular routine of exercising which relieves, stress and releases endorphins that make you feel better. Stress comes first, most people just don't automatically fell depressed. Stress is usually the first stages, and then depression comes if the stress is not dealt with. So if people get active, physically that will help in a lot of areas of their lives. 

Also this young lady was the FOUNDER of "For black girls", where she encouraged a lot of young ladies, and wanted to help others feel better about themselves. 

Now with the natural community growing and young ladies that reach out to others period for tips, or compliment their hair, or just for relational purposes. If she was the founder, of this website and had plenty of "sisters" and followers, why would she do this? Did she not feel like she had anyone to talk to? The community she created would have been idea, their opinions would have not likely been bias and more accurate. What Happened?! Would Zoloft have helped her???

This is very sad and it has to stop, people do not need anti- depressants they need Jesus. Believers do need anti-depressants they need to actually get closer to Jesus. NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT IF THEY ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF ALMIGHTY GOD THEY WILL NEED some silly ole Zoloft. 
What do we think they did in the bible days?

Like I said in my post it really is time for us to reach out, exchange numbers pray over the phone with one another. I am completely sick of this false sense of sisterhood that people carry. People be genuine and consistent reach out and pray for your "sisters", if you are going to call someone your sister then treat them like an actual sister. I never just throw that word around just like I don't throw "friend" around quickly. If you are my "sister" than I will treat you like blood and if you are my friend you will know it. 

(We also have to realize that the enemy has a role in all of this to, he would probably rather us drugged up so that we are not sober, and vigilant as the bible tells us to be). "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1Peter 5: 8).

 John 14: 16 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Romans 9: 20
Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.


  1. Amen! We have to continue to pray for one another. And yes, being on anti-depressants will just make you co-dependent on them. Not to mention these meds have side effects, which you may need meds for that. The pharmecutical industry knows exactly what to do to get people to buy into this. This is why they are a multi-billion dollar industry. I suggest that you go to www.exministries.com and purchase the Pharmekos dvds to learn more. Girl, YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!

  2. Yes. I am well aware of ex ministries. I watched the short video "pharmakos" and G. Craig was sharing his testimony of using certain prescription drugs, but I know the DVD goes in depth. We really need God at this hour.. Badly.


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