My prayer and what is on my heart at the moment..

My prayer is that we do not become our climate. Throughout the different places that I have lived it has been my experience that people are literally influenced by their literal climate that they live in. I am originally from the east cost, upstate New York.  There, You have tons of water and trees and signs of life every where you look. Not saying that there are not signs of life any where else but it just seems so much more abundant there. Although, where I come from is not perfect either, I also can appreciate some of the people that were great that I knew and for the time that I was there. Now, I do not hear from really anyone from back at home. From time to time my lovely older sister hits me up, which I appreciate her for but other than that for most people it is out of sight out of mind. 

When I went to Florida also somewhat the same kind of scenery, BEAUTIFUL, people were just very carefree and personable, but now the people that I once knew same actions: out of sight out of mind. 

Here in good ole Nebraska, This place has taught me A LOT of things about people. It has been on my heart and as an intercessor I know I must pray continually about it, until it is off of me. People are lacking in friendship, love, genuineness and care. The climate is very dry here, except for spring and fall which have been very nice. Their are vast lands of nothing and it can be very brown in certain seasons, and then other seasons it can be very bright and green. Like we all know there are always a change in seasons, weather wise, spiritually and over all naturally. However my prayer is that people everywhere do not become like their climate or seasons-unless God is telling you to do so.

I pray that  people everywhere and not just in Nebraska, become consistent in their lives, in their relationships and with people around them. Whether you knew them for fifty years or not. It has sadden me, because  recently and often, I can not say that I have genuine friends anywhere, besides my wonderful husband of course. I am definitely now in the stage where God is teaching me to be content but also consistent, even without my best friend (my husband) or friends at all. At times it is apparent, especially when my husband is deployed, that wow, I can't even call anyone up to go to the mall with. Sad day. However, I know that I am not alone that God is always with me. I will not become like this climate that I am currently around, mostly dry barely any moisture around or in the air, only get happy for a season when things change and it is something new- "OH so God must be doing something"-. No I will not become like this climate. I will still continue to reach out and say hi, and share Christ and my Testimony, no matter what may or may not be doing in my life. 

People Do NOT become like your climate, and only concerned about your life and what is going on around you but pray for others, and reach out and encourage others. You never know what God could be doing through your kind gestures and testimony. 

Proverbs 18: 24 " A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother". 

Luke 10:27 "And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

~Sentiments of my Heart


  1. First post!! Awesome! You know, I felt the same way you felt. I'm originally from VA Beach, VA, where it is surrounded by water and greenery, but when I came to Nebraska in January, you can just tell the spirit here is dull and dark and totally different from where I came from. So, yes, we must continue to pray and while we are here, make ourselves friendly and reach out to people. God Bless you and continue to write!

    P.S. I'll be waiting on the mall trip! :-)

  2. Aw thanks Bless your heart Lavena and VA Beach ?? Awesome, me any my husband always talk about VA as a va- cay spot lol. Fortunate for you, you have only been here three months I will be here three years May. One thing God told me though with being out here is to appreciate your captivity, I appreciate all the ways me and my husband have grown being out here, definitely by leaps and bounds. So I we know it is not for nothing.
    lol. definitely can do a mall trip.- I will have to tell you something funny later.


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